3 Reasons Why Creating Art Can Bring You Joy

When some people ask what I do, and I say "artist," I can see the wheels spinning. I know the questions they immediately think:

  1. Do you make any money?

  2. How do you have the time?

  3. Why? Why do you paint abstract?

  4. Do you paint flowers?

  5. Did you always want to be an artist?

Today, I want to explain a little about making time to create. But more specifically, why you should learn to make time for yourself. The funny thing about time is that we all have the same amount and want more. There are never enough hours to do everything we want.  

And when I say make time for yourself, that could mean thousands of things: take time to go have coffee with a friend, take a relaxing walk while listening to an audiobook, take a nap (when was the last time you did that?) 

But what I am talking about is time for creative practice.  

There are so many incredible benefits of having a creative practice. As life often throws various stressors our way, setting aside time for art can be an uplifting and therapeutic experience. 

Here are 3 reasons why engaging in art can increase your joy and reduce life's stressors. 

  1. Self-expression. One of the most magical aspects of art is the ability to express yourself freely. Art provides a platform to explore your emotions, thoughts, and ideas, whether through painting, drawing, sculpting, or simply scribbling. In a world that sometimes fails to give voice to our innermost feelings, creating art allows us to communicate and connect with our true selves. This self-expression can lead to a sense of liberation, helping us better understand who we are and find solace amidst the chaos of daily life.  

  2. Engaging in art is a powerful mindfulness practice that promotes relaxation and mental well-being. When you immerse yourself in the creative process, your mind naturally enters a state of flow. It is a state where you are entirely present, focused, and absorbed in the activity. This flow state lets you be fully present, releasing worries and anxiety that often trouble our minds. Creating art becomes a form of meditation, enabling you to find calmness, peace, and a sense of escape from the pressures of everyday life.  

  3. Having an artistic practice is a journey of continuous growth and self-improvement. As beginners explore different techniques, mediums, or other types of art, they build their unique creative voice. You do not only grow as an artist but as an individual. Every brushstroke, sketch, and creation becomes a stepping stone toward personal growth. You will start to feel a sense of satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. This allows your self-confidence to grow and nurture a deep understanding of your capabilities.  

I can only share my experiences with you; I have always been enticed to be creative. Even now, I have other hobbies like knitting, diamond art, and journaling. So, when I am asked the question, "How do you find the time?" I don't know how to explain that it doesn't occur to me NOT to be creative. Making time to be creative brings so many incredible benefits to my life that I will not give them up.  

If you want more ideas, inspiration, and a supportive community to nurture your artistic journey, I invite you to join my free Facebook group, "Jump into Art Journaling." You will get weekly inspiration, watch me paint, and discuss my thinking process as I create. You can share your thoughts and ask questions.  

I want to inspire you and help you embrace and develop your artistry and love for creating.  


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